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Holistic bursting cells store long-term memory in auditory cortex
Nat CommLi R, Huang J, Li L, Zhao Z, Liang S, Liang S, Wang M, Liao X, Lyu J, Zhou Z, Wang S, Jin W, Chen H, Holder D, Liu H, Zhang J, Li M, Tang Y, Remy S, Pakan JMP, Chen X, Jia H
Changes in cortical microstructure of the human brain resulting from long-term motor learning
J NeurosciLehmann N, Aye N, Kaufmann J, Heinze H-J, Düzel E, Ziegler G, Taubert M
Medical and Behavioral Knowledge Discovery using Multi-Objective Analysis
IEEE CIBCB 2023: Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational BiologyMostaghim S, Shan Q, Desel C, Duscha A, Haghikia A, Hegelmeier T, Kuhn F, Remy S
A cost-based multi-layer network approach for the discovery of patient phenotypes
Int J Data Sci AnalPuga C, Niemann U, Schlee W, Spiliopoulou M
Inferring Salient Motifs during Learning Experiments
2023 IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)Jamaludeen N, Kuhn F, Brechmann A, Fuhrmann F, Remy S, Spiliopoulou M
Effects of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation paired with tones on electrophysiological markers of auditory perception
Brain StimulRufener KS, Wienke C, Salanje A, Haghikia A, Zähle T
A shift in the mechanisms controlling hippocampal engram formation during brain maturation
ScienceRamsaran AI, Wang Y, Golbabaei A, Aleshin S, de Snoo ML, Yeung BA, Rashid AJ, Awasthi A, Lau J, Tran LM, Ko SY, Abegg A, Duan LC, McKenzie C, Gallucci J, Ahmed M, Kaushik R, Dityatev A, Josselyn SA, Frankland PW
Rescue of synaptic and cognitive functions in polysialic acid-deficient mice and dementia models by short polysialic acid fragments
Neurobiol DisVarbanov H, Jia S, Kochlamazashvili G, Bhattacharya S, Buabeid MA, El Tabbal M, Hayani H, Stoyanov S, Sun W, Thiesler H, Röckle I, Hildebrandt H, Senkov O, Suppiramaniam V, Gerardy-Schahn R, Dityatev A
Effects of repetitive twice-weekly transcranial direct current stimulations on fatigue and fatigability in people with multiple sclerosis
Sci RepLinnhoff S, Haghikia A, Zähle T
Open-source tools for behavioral video analysis: Setup, methods, and best practices
eLIFELuxem K, Sun SJ, Bradley SP, Krishnan K, Yttri E, Zimmermann J, Pereira TD, Laubach M
A hippocampus-accumbens code guides goal-directed appetitive behavior
bioRxivBarnstedt O, Mocellin P, Remy S
Holistic Bursting Cells Store Long-term Memory in Auditory Cortex
PREPRINT from Research SquareLi R, Huang J, Liang S, Liang S, Wang M, Liao X, Lyu J, Zhou Z, Jin W, Chen H, Holder D, Liu H, Zhang J, Li M, Tang Y, Remy S, Pakan J, Chen X, Jia H
Modelling the contributions to hyperexcitability in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
The Journal of PhysiologyMittag M, Mediavilla L, Remy S, Cuntz H, Jedlicka P
Jacob-induced transcriptional inactivation of CREB promotes Aβ-induced synapse loss in Alzheimer's disease
EMBO JGrochowska KM, Gomes GM, Raman R, Kaushik R, Sosulina L, Kaneko H, Oelschlegel AM, Yuanxiang P, Reyes-Resina I, Bayraktar G, Samer S, Spilker C, Woo MS, Morawski M, Goldschmidt J, Friese MA, Rossner S, Navarro G, Remy S, Reissner C, Karpova A, Kreutz MR
The therapeutic potential of non-invasive brain stimulation for the treatment of Long-COVID-related cognitive fatigue
Front ImmunolLinnhoff S, Köhler L, Haghikia A, Zähle T
Cognitive fatigue-related sensory gating deficits in people with multiple sclerosis
Neurobiol DisLinnhoff S, Haghikia A, Zähle T
Fatigability-related oscillatory brain activity changes in people with MS
Mult Scler Relat DisordLinnhoff S, Haghikia A, Zähle T
Unsupervised mobile app-based cognitive testing in a population-based study of older adults born 1944
Front. Digit. HealthÖhman F, Berron D, Papp KV, Kern S, Skoog J, Hadarsson Bodin T, Zettergren A, Skoog I, Schöll M
Identifying behavioral structure from deep variational embeddings of animal motion
Commun BiolLuxem K, Mocellin P, Fuhrmann F, Kürsch J, Miller SR, Palop JJ, Remy S, Bauer P
Transversal functional connectivity and scene-specific processing in the human entorhinal-hippocampal circuitry
eLifeGrande X, Sauvage M, Becke A, Düzel E, Berron D
Exploring Dynamic Pandemic Containment Strategies Using Multi-Objective Optimization
IEEE Computational Intelligence MagazineFischer D, Mostaghim S, Seidemann T
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Game Theory: A case study in cancer therapy
ALIFE 2022: The 2022 Conference on Artificial LifeBostelmann-Arp L, Mostaghim S, Braun A, Tüting T
The metabolic profile of reconstituting T-cells, NK-cells, and monocytes following autologous stem cell transplantation and its impact on outcome
Sci RepRichter S, Böttcher M, Völkl S, Mackensen A, Ullrich E, Jacobs B, Mougiakakos D
When Can I Expect the mHealth User to Return? Prediction Meets Time Series with Gaps
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2022Schleicher M, Pryss R, Schlee W and Spiliopoulou M
Feasibility of digital memory assessments in an unsupervised and remote study setting
Front. Digit. HealthBerron D, Ziegler G, Vieweg P, Billette O, Güsten J, Grande X, Heneka MT, Schneider A, Teipel S, Jessen F, Wagner M, Duzel E
Brain Activation During Active Balancing and Its Behavioral Relevance in Younger and Older Adults: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Study
Front Aging NeurosciLehmann N, Kuhn YA, Keller M, Aye N, Herold F, Draganski B, Taube W, Taubert M
Type 1 innate lymphoid cells regulate the onset of Toxoplasma gondii-induced neuroinflammation
Cell ReportsSteffen J, Ehrentraut S, Bank U, Biswas A, Figueiredo CA, Hölsken O, Düsedau HP, Dovhan V, Knop L, Thode J, Romero-Suárez S, Duarte CI, Gigley J, Romagnani C, Diefenbach A, Klose CSN, Schüler T, Dunay IR
Path integration in normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease
Trends in Cognitive SciencesVladislava Segen, Johnson Ying, Erik Morgan, Mark Brandon, Thomas Wolbers
Path integration in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease
Trends in Cognitive SciencesSegen V, Ying J, Morgan E, Brandon M, Wolbers T
Amplitude Modulated Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (AM-TACS) efficacy evaluation via phosphene induction
Sci RepThiele C, Zähle T, Haghikia A, Ruhnau P
Making the rich richer: Frontoparietal tDCS enhances transfer effects of a single-session distractor inhibition training on working memory in high capacity individuals but reduces them in low capacity individuals
NeuroImageSchmicker M, Menze I, Schneider C, Taubert M, Zähle T, Mueller NG
Early Stages of Tau Pathology and its Associations with Functional Connectivity, Atrophy and Memory
BrainBerron D, Vogel JW, Insel PS, Pereira JB, Xie L, Wisse LEM, Yushkevich PA, Palmqvist S, Mattsson-Carlgren N, Stomrud E, Smith R, Strandberg O, Hansson O
Current challenges in reliably targeting the noradrenergic locus coeruleus using transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS)
Autonomic NeuroscienceLudwig M, Wienke C, Betts MJ, Zaehle T, Hämmerer D
Context value updating and multidimensional neuronal encoding in the retrosplenial cortex
Nat CommunSun W, Choi I, Stoyanov S, Senkov O, Ponimaskin E, Winter Y, Pakan JMP, Dityatev A
Current advances in digital cognitive assessment for preclinical Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimers Dement (Amst)Öhman F, Hassenstab J, Berron D, Schöll M, Papp KV
Effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) on beta and gamma brain oscillations
CortexKeute M, Wienke C, Ruhnau P, Zähle T
Objective electrophysiological fatigability markers and their modulation through tDCS
Clin NeurophysiolLinnhoff S, Wolter-Weging J, Zähle T
Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation in patients with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder: a viable option?
Prog Brain ResZähle T, Krauel K
Dysfunctional auditory gamma oscillations in developmental dyslexia - a potential target for a tACS-based intervention
Prog Brain ResRufener KS, Zähle T
Non-invasive, opsin-free mid-infrared modulation activates cortical neurons and accelerates associative learning
Nat CommunZhang J, He Y, Liang S, Liao X, Li T, Qiao Z, Chang C, Jia H, Chen X
The complement system drives local inflammatory tissue priming by metabolic reprogramming of synovial fibroblasts
ImmunityFriščić J, Böttcher M, Reinwald C, Bruns H, Wirth B, Popp SJ, Walker KI, Ackermann JA, Chen X, Turner J, Zhu H, Seyler L, Euler M, Kirchner P, Krüger R, Ekici AB, Major T, Aust O, Weidner D, Fischer A, Andes FT, Stanojevic Z, Trajkovic V, Herrmann M, Korb-Pap A, Wank I, Hess A, Winter J, Wixler V, Distler J, Steiner G, Kiener HP, Frey B, Kling L, Raza K, Frey S, Kleyer A, Bäuerle T, Hughes TR, Grüneboom A, Steffen U, Krönke G, Croft AP, Filer A, Köhl J, Klein K, Buckley CD, Schett G, Mougiakakos D, Hoffmann MH
Increased hippocampal excitability and altered learning dynamics mediate cognitive mapping deficits in human aging
JNeurosciDiersch N, Valdes-Herrera JP, Tempelmann C, Wolbers T
Frontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as a Potential Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease-Related Fatigue
Brain SciZähle T
Associations of Plasma Phospho-Tau217 Levels With Tau Positron Emission Tomography in Early Alzheimer Disease
JAMA NeurolJanelidze S, Berron D, Strandberg O, Proctor NK, Dage JL, Smith R, Stomrud E, Palmqvist S, Mattsson Carlgren N, Hansson O
The internal time keeper: causal evidence for the role of the cerebellum in anticipating regular acoustic events
CortexRufener KS, Husemann A, Zähle T
The role of the gut microbiota and microbial metabolites in neuroinflammation
Eur J ImmunolHaase S, Wilck N, Haghikia A, Gold R, Mueller DN, Linker RA
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the auditory cortex modulates GABA and Glutamate – a 7 Tesla MR-spectroscopy study
Sci RepHeimrath K, Brechmann A, Blobel-Lüer R, Stadler J, Budinger E, Zähle T
Pulsed transcranial electric brain stimulation enhances speech comprehension
Brain StimulRuhnau P, Rufener KS, Heinze HJ, Zähle T
Multiple sclerosis and nutrition: back to the future?
Ther Adv Neurol DisordGold R, Montalban X, Haghikia A
Reward Association Enhances Stimulus-Specific Representations in Primary Visual Cortex
Current BiologyHenschke JU, Dylda E, Katsanevaki D, Dupuy N, Currie SP, Amvrosiadis T, Pakan JMP, Rochefort NL
Medial Temporal Lobe Connectivity and its Associations with Cognition in Early Alzheimer’s Disease
BrainBerron D, van Westen D, Ossenkoppele R, Strandberg S, Hansson O
Converging patterns of aging-associated brain volume loss and tissue microstructure differences
NeuroBiol AgingTaubert M, Roggenhofer E, Melie-Garcia L, Muller S, Lehmann N, Preisig M, Vollenweider P, Marques-Vidal P, Lutti A, Kherif F, Draganski B
Inconsistent effects of stochastic resonance on human auditory processing
Sci RepRufener KS, Kauk J, Ruhnau P, Repplinger S, Heil P, Zähle T
Co-Localized White Matter Plasticity And Increased Cerebral Blood Flow Mediate The Beneficial Effect Of Cardiovascular Exercise On Long-Term Motor Learning
J NeurosciLehmann N, Villringer A, & Taubert M
Propionic Acid Shapes the Multiple Sclerosis Disease Course by an Immunomodulatory Mechanism
CellDuscha A, Gisevius B, Hirschberg S, Yissachar N, Stangl GI, Eilers E, Bader V, Haase S, Kaisler J, David C, Schneider R, Troisi R, Zent D, Hegelmaier T, Dokalis N, Gerstein S, Del Mare-Roumani S, Amidror S, Staszewski O, Poschmann G, Stuhler K, Hirche F, Balogh A, Kempa S, Trager P, Zaiss MM, Holm JB, Massa MG, Nielsen HB, Faissner A, Lukas C, Gatermann SG, Scholz M, Przuntek H, Prinz M, Forslund SK, Winklhofer KF, Muller DN, Linker RA, Gold R, Haghikia A
Matching stimulation paradigms resolve apparent differences between optogenetic and electrical VTA stimulation
Brain StimulWeidner TC, Vincenz D, Brocka M, Tegtmeier J, Oelschlegel AM, Ohl FW, Goldschmidt J, Lippert MT
c-FLIP is crucial for IL-7/IL-15-dependent NKp46+ ILC development and protection from intestinal inflammation in mice
Nat CommunBank U, Deiser K , Plaza-Sirvent C, Osbelt L, Witte A, Knop L, Labrenz R, Jänsch R, Richter F, Biswas A, Zenclussen AC, Vivier E, Romagnani C, Kühl AA, Dunay IR, Strowig T, Schmitz I, Schüler T
Single-cell memory trace imaging with immediate-early genes
J Neurosci MethodsSauvage M, Kitsukawa T, Atucha E
Hierarchical network analysis of behavior and neuronal population activity
CCN 2019: 2019 Conference on Cognitive Computational NeuroscienceLuxem K, Fuhrmann F, Remy S, Bauer P
No modulation of pupil size and event-related pupil response by transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS)
Sci RepKeute M, Demirezen M, Graf A, Mueller N, Zähle T
Transcranial electrical stimulation improves phoneme processing in developmental dyslexia
Brain StimulRufener KS, Krauel K, Meyer M, Heinze HJ, Zähle T
Cognitive Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis: An Objective Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment by Transcranial Electrical Stimulation
Brain SciLinnhoff S, Fiene M, Heinze HJ, Zähle T
A novel immunoregulatory function of beta-2-microglobulin as a promoter of myeloid derived suppressor cell induction
LeukemiaBruns H, Jitschin S, Gamali S, Saul D, Böttcher M, Mackensen A, Jitschin R, Mougiakakos D
The potential of virtual reality for spatial navigation research across the adult lifespan
J Exp Biol.Diersch N, Wolbers T
Offline impact of transcranial focused ultrasound on cortical activation in primates
eLifeVerhagen L, Gallea C, Folloni D, Constans C, Jensen DE, Ahnine H, Roumazeilles L, Santin M, Ahmed B, Lehericy S, Klein-Flügge MC, Krug K, Mars RB, Rushworth MF, Pouget P, Aubry JF, Sallet J
Interferon-γ Receptor Signaling in Dendritic Cells Restrains Spontaneous Proliferation of CD4+ T Cells in Chronic Lymphopenic Mice
Front ImmunolKnop L, Frommer C, Stoycheva D, Deiser K, Kalinke U, Blankenstein T, Kammertoens T, Dunay IR, Schüler T
Caldendrin Directly Couples Postsynaptic Calcium Signals to Actin Remodeling in Dendritic Spines
NeuronMikhaylova M, Bär J, van Bommel B, Schätzle P, YuanXiang P, Raman R, Hradsky J, Konietzny A, Loktionov EY, Reddy PP, Lopez-Rojas J, Spilker C, Kobler O, Raza SA, Stork O, Hoogenraad CC, Kreutz MR
FISSA: A neuropil decontamination toolbox for calcium imaging signals
Scientific ReportsKeemink SW, Lowe SC, Pakan JMP, Dylda E, van Rossum MCW, Rochefort NL
Dietary fatty acids and susceptibility to multiple sclerosis
Mult SclerHaase S, Haghikia A, Gold R, Linker RA
Septo-hippocampal interaction
Cell Tissue ResMüller C, Remy S
Optogenetic Destabilization of the Memory Trace in CA1: Insights into Reconsolidation and Retrieval Processes
Cereb CortexLux V, Masseck OA, Herlitze S, Sauvage MM
Glutamatergic synaptic integration of locomotion speed via septoentorhinal projections
Nat NeurosciJustus D, Dalügge D, Bothe S, Fuhrmann F, Hannes C, Kaneko H, Friedrichs D, Sosulina L, Schwarz I, Elliott DA, Schoch S, Bradke F, Schwarz MK, Remy S
Dysfunction of Somatostatin-Positive Interneurons Associated with Memory Deficits in an Alzheimer's Disease Model
NeuronSchmid LC, Mittag M, Poll S, Steffen J, Wagner J, Geis HR, Schwarz I, Schmidt B, Schwarz MK, Remy S, Fuhrmann M
Rapid and Specific Grey Matter Changes Induced by Balance Training
NeuroImageTaubert M, Mehnert J, Pleger B, Villringer A
Dietary Fatty Acids Directly Impact Central Nervous System Autoimmunity via the Small Intestine
ImmunityHaghikia A, Jorg S, Duscha A, Berg J, Manzel A, Waschbisch A, Hammer A, Lee DH, May C, Wilck N, Balogh A, Ostermann AI, Schebb NH, Akkad DA, Grohme DA, Kleinewietfeld M, Kempa S, Thone J, Demir S, Muller DN, Gold R, Linker RA
Acetylcholine mediates behavioral and neural post-error control
Curr BiolDanielmeier C, Allen EA, Jocham G, Onur OA, Eichele T, Ullsperger M
IFN-γ regulates CD8+ memory T cell differentiation and survival in response to weak, but not strong, TCR signals
J ImmunolStoycheva D, Deiser K, Stärck L, Nishanth G, Schlüter D, Uckert W, Schüler T
Dendritic structural degeneration is functionally linked to cellular hyperexcitability in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
NeuronŠišková Z, Justus D, Kaneko H, Friedrichs D, Henneberg N, Beutel T, Pitsch J, Schoch S, Becker A, von der Kammer H, Remy S
Dendritic inhibition mediated by O-LM and bistratified interneurons in the hippocampus
Front Synaptic NeurosciMüller C, Remy S
Structural brain plasticity in Parkinson's disease induced by balance training
Neurobiology of AgeingSehm B, Taubert M, Conde V, Weise D, Classen J, Dukart J, Draganski B, Villringer A, Ragert P
Encoding and transducing the synaptic or extrasynaptic origin of NMDA receptor signals to the nucleus
CellKarpova A, Mikhaylova M, Bera S, Bär J, Reddy PP, Behnisch T, Rankovic V, Spilker C, Bethge P, Sahin J, Kaushik R, Zuschratter W, Kähne T, Naumann M, Gundelfinger ED, Kreutz MR
Inhibitory control of linear and supralinear dendritic excitation in CA1 pyramidal neurons
NeuronMüller C, Beck H, Coulter D, Remy S
Long-term effects of motor training on resting-state networks and its underlying brain structure
NeuroImageTaubert M, Lohmann G, Margulies DS, Villringer A, Ragert P
Dynamic properties of human brain structure: learning-related changes in cortical areas and associated fiber connections
J NeurosciTaubert M, Draganski B, Anwander A, Müller K, Horstmann A, Villringer A, Ragert P
IFN-gamma receptor signaling regulates memory CD8+ T cell differentiation
J ImmunolSercan O, Stoycheva D, Hämmerling GJ, Arnold B, Schüler T
Innate immune cells contribute to the IFN-gamma-dependent regulation of antigen-specific CD8+ T cell homeostasis
J ImmunolSercan O, Hämmerling GJ, Arnold B, and Schüler T