Ein objektiver Ansatz für die Diagnose und neuromodulatorische Behandlung von Fatigue bei Menschen mit Multipler Sklerose
Was wir erreichen wollen
Unsere Projektziele
Definieren und messen
Unser Ziel ist es, Müdigkeit und Ermüdbarkeit bei neurologischen Erkrankungen und gesunden Probanden zu definieren und die subjektive Müdigkeitsdiagnose durch zuverlässige, objektive Parameter zu ergänzen, indem wir verhaltensbezogene und elektrophysiologische Veränderungen vor und während anstrengender Aufgaben untersuchen.
Durchführung alternativer, nicht-pharmakologischer Interventionsstudien
Ziel ist es, anhand der ermittelten objektiven Parameter die Wirksamkeit alternativer, nicht-invasiver Hirnstimulationsmethoden zur Behandlung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bei neurologischen Erkrankungen oder der Entwicklung von Müdigkeit bei gesunden Personen zu bewerten
Prof. Dr. Aiden Haghikia
Dr. Stefanie Linnhoff
Prof. Dr. Tino Zähle
Effects of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation paired with tones on electrophysiological markers of auditory perception
Brain StimulEffects of repetitive twice-weekly transcranial direct current stimulations on fatigue and fatigability in people with multiple sclerosis
Sci RepThe therapeutic potential of non-invasive brain stimulation for the treatment of Long-COVID-related cognitive fatigue
Front ImmunolCognitive fatigue-related sensory gating deficits in people with multiple sclerosis
Neurobiol DisFatigability-related oscillatory brain activity changes in people with MS
Mult Scler Relat DisordAmplitude Modulated Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (AM-TACS) efficacy evaluation via phosphene induction
Sci RepMaking the rich richer: Frontoparietal tDCS enhances transfer effects of a single-session distractor inhibition training on working memory in high capacity individuals but reduces them in low capacity individuals
NeuroImageEffects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) on beta and gamma brain oscillations
CortexObjective electrophysiological fatigability markers and their modulation through tDCS
Clin NeurophysiolTranscutaneous vagus nerve stimulation in patients with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder: a viable option?
Prog Brain ResDysfunctional auditory gamma oscillations in developmental dyslexia - a potential target for a tACS-based intervention
Prog Brain ResFrontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as a Potential Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease-Related Fatigue
Brain SciThe internal time keeper: causal evidence for the role of the cerebellum in anticipating regular acoustic events
CortexTranscranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the auditory cortex modulates GABA and Glutamate – a 7 Tesla MR-spectroscopy study
Sci RepPulsed transcranial electric brain stimulation enhances speech comprehension
Brain StimulInconsistent effects of stochastic resonance on human auditory processing
Sci RepNo modulation of pupil size and event-related pupil response by transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS)
Sci RepTranscranial electrical stimulation improves phoneme processing in developmental dyslexia
Brain StimulCognitive Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis: An Objective Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment by Transcranial Electrical Stimulation
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